6 Symptoms of that may be the warning signs of Asthma

Symptoms of Aasthma

Symptoms of  Asthma – Asthma is a chronic disease which is caused by a heightened sensitivity to a trigger.  It involves the airways in the lungs. The airway tubes help the air come in and out of the lungs. A person who has asthma will have inflamed lungs.

The triggers initiate the symptoms of asthma, and it is important to note that different people have various types of triggers for asthma. When something triggers your symptoms the muscles of the airways become more tightened and even more swollen.

Due to this reason, it becomes difficult for air to come in and out of the lungs. It causes symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, etc.

The few types of asthma triggers are:

  • Intense colors
  • Dust
  • Animals
  • Inhaling fumes
  • Gases

    Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB)

Some types of asthma can be caused while a person is doing some physical activity. For instance, a healthy person can also develop asthma while exercising or dancing. It is called as exercise induced asthma or exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.

Some of the exercise-induced asthma symptoms are:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Fatigue during exercise
  • Poor athletic performance
  • Shortness of breath during exercise or other physical activities
  • Avoidance of activity can be seen in children who have asthma
  • Chest tightness

See your doctor immediately in case you witness any of these symptoms because the correct diagnosis is critical.

    Allergic asthma

Some allergens that cause sneezing fits and watery eyes in one person can be a cause of asthma to someone else. Studies have shown that about 90% of kids with childhood asthma have allergies.

The symptoms of allergic asthma show up when you breathe in allergy triggers such as dust, pollen, mites, etc.

Whether a person has allergic asthma or nonallergic asthma the symptoms are almost the same:

Some of the allergic asthma symptoms include:

  • A dry cough that can occur at night or during exercise
  • Shortness of breath
  • Squeaking sound while you breathe

Occupational asthma

Occupational asthma is the sensitivity of airways to the lungs caused by inhaling fumes, gasses, dust or other potentially harmful substances. It is mostly caused by exposure to the trigger elements while in the workplace.

These triggers can result in causing asthma in two ways:

  1. These substances may cause a chemical reaction that leads to a buildup of chemicals like histamines resulting in an asthma attack.
  2. These substances can cause an irritant reaction of the immune system leading to an asthma attack.

Numerous substances that are used in factories and industries that may trigger asthma attack to the workers include:

  • Chemical adhesives: plastics, resins, foams, rubber, detergents, dyes
  • Animal hair proteins can also act as a trigger.
  • Metals: platinum, chromium, soldering fumes

Some of the symptoms of occupational asthma include:

  • Eye irritation
  • Nasal congestion
  • Wheezing while exposed to chemical gasses
  • Shortness of breath at workplace
  • Runny nose
  • Breathing difficulty

    Childhood asthma

Children who experience a recurrent cough, wheezing, chest tightness or shortness of breath can have asthma problem. Asthmatic children have less stamina than other healthy children. Left untreated they start avoiding any physical activity to prevent coughing or breathing problems. Most of the times, parents may observe them complaining about the heavy chest, cold, cough when sick.

Asthma cannot be cured it can just be managed and controlled throughout the life by following proper treatment plans. It is important for your child to be knowledgeable about how and when asthma can be triggered and in which way to use medications.

Some of the common symptoms of childhood asthma include:

    • Intermittent coughing
    • Chest tightness
    • Chest pain, mostly in younger children
    • Whistling sound while breathing

Other signs and symptoms of childhood asthma that can help parents to identify asthma in their child are:

  • Your child may have trouble in sleeping because of shortness of breath due to continuous coughing problem
  • Your child may get a cold and flu very frequently
  • Recovery of respiratory infections is delayed

when your child grows younger, he may experience asthma related allergies also.

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