8 Symptoms of Kidney Stone you should not ignore

Kidney Stone

What is a kidney stone?

Kidney stone forms in the kidney when a solid piece of material which is a kidney stone occurs in the urinary tract of the human body. If there is a small piece of stone only then, it may not show possible signs of symptoms, but if the stone grows bigger than 5 millimeters, then it may result in the blockage of urinal tract.

Stomach aches occur due to several different reasons, but if the pain becomes excruciating and you are unable to sit in a comfortable position, then this might be the sign of a kidney problem.

But it is difficult to know what you have is exactly due to a kidney stone or some other sort of stomach pain.

Eight warning signs you may relate to the presence of a kidney stone

#1 Sudden and severe pain

  • Although the kidney problem is difficult to recognize until they reach advanced stages but here is one sign that could serve as the warning. A person feels sudden and severe pain in the abdominal region or stomach.
  • Most of the adults are diagnosed at a later stage after visiting their primary doctor because of the pain they have been experiencing in their abdominal region or the back.
  • Douglas Prop, Medical Director and Chair of Emergency Medicine at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge says, “ the pain that is associated with kidney stones is sudden, and most of the times it is as severe as that of the labor pain.”
  • So if a person experiences a severe pain suddenly then he needs to see the doctor immediately.

#2 Blood in the urine

  • The small stones pass through the intestines and are difficult to diagnose. These small stones don’t cause pain in the abdominal region also.
  • But one thing that you can relate to is that a person may experience blood in the urine.
  • It is one of the possible warnings of kidney stone because the majority of patients have shown this symptom.
  • Experiencing blood in the urine is an abnormal condition and should not be ignored in any case.
  • A person should get evaluated in case he/she notices this symptom.
  • This problem occurs either with the stones that stay in the kidney or due to the stones that pass rupturing some parts of the uterus.

#3 Frequent and painful urination

  • A person may also experience frequent and painful urination. This may be because of the stone that has passed the bladder but is still in the urethra.
  • A person gets a feeling to urinate even if there is nothing to pass because of the stone that is present in the ureter.
  • If your urinal tract is infected then also you may experience painful urination.

#4 Nausea

  • A patient may feel sick to the stomach because of the presence of kidney stone and get nauseated.
  • Malfunction of your kidneys can lead to anemia. A person may experience constant feelings of fatigue and tiredness.

#5 Vomiting

  • There may be some chances that patient experience vomiting due to the disturbance in the excretory tract of the body.
  • Improper digestion and excretion of waste material may lead to vomiting.

#6 A strange taste in mouth

Kidney problem leads to the buildup of toxic material in your blood. This leads to bad breath and some strange taste in mouth referred to as metallic taste.

#7 Rashes

  • Most of the people ignore the facts, but the healthy skin of our body depends upon a good oxygen supply and proper cleansing of the bloodstream. The presence of stones in kidney affects its proper functioning and the cleansing of blood is not done properly. A person can get rashes all over the skin.
  • In some rare cases, this symptom is shown.

#8 High blood pressure

  • Severe abdominal pain, back pain, nausea, vomiting this entire factor disturbs the functioning of the body. These many factors trigger the working of arteries and cardiovascular system also.
  • The patient can have high blood pressure most of the times.

Causes of kidney stones:

There is no general concord as to why the kidney stones are formed. Some of the causes can be:

  1. Heredity
  2. Diet problems
  3. Severe medications
  4. Underlying chronic illness

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